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Welcome to the Studentsafe Online Claims Portal

This portal is for Studentsafe policy holders only.

If you hold a Workersafe or Explorersafe policy, please exit this portal and claim through our other Online Claims Portal.

To lodge a new claim you will need:

  • Your student ID number (or Policy Number if Student ID is unknown)
  • Your bank account details for payment of your claim
  • All documentation to support your claim (medical reports, airline tickets, proof of ownership, receipts, etc). Please be aware that you can only upload files in the following format: any Microsoft Word files (.DOC, .DOCX), PDF files, .JPEG and .PNG image files.

Please use the save progress button if you need to return to your claim later. Use your email address and the PIN number sent to you to retrieve your saved claim.

Pre-approval Claims

If you would like to apply for a pre-approval for an upcoming appointment, please complete the Studentsafe claim form here.

Once completed, please email this through to and reference 'Pre-approval' in the subject line.

Along with your claim form you will need to supply the following:

  • Consultation note from your treating GP/Specialist outlining the symptoms and condition for which you are being treated, including the referral for investigative tests or treatment
  • Written quote from the treatment provider for the recommended treatment

For further information please contact us on 0800 486 004 or +64 9 488 4638.